Learn to Sculpt Your Own Creatures

with Polymer Clay

In this class, you will learn the entire process of creating an original sculpture in polymer clay.  From materials to armatures to clay sculpting and even painting, this class has everything you need to breathe life into your own original work of art.

17 instructional videos span nearly 6 hours of playtime as you are guided through every step of the sculpting process.  Both real time demos and time lapses are included, highlighting key points of sculpture creation.  Clear visual and verbal instruction are given every step of the way.

The instructor has 20+ years of sculpting experience and shares plenty of tips throughout the duration of the course.  Get ready to learn a lot and have a ton of fun doing it.  All you need to bring is your ideas and a few basic materials. (Please see the "Materials List" below under "Introduction and Materials".) 

No previous sculpting experience required.  This class was created with the beginner in mind but even seasoned sculptors are sure to pick up a few  new tricks along the way.  It is recommended that you have some artistic knowledge (drawing, painting etc) as this is a highly creative course.

Class membership includes access to discussion boards where you can share your ideas and meet your fellow students.  

All videos are presented with optional closed captions.  English language only.

Course Breakdown

  • 1

    Introduction and Materials

    • Welcome - Start Here

    • Class Introduction

    • Materials Overview

    • Materials List

  • 2


    • Drawing an Armature Map

    • Building a Simple Armature

    • Reinforcing with Apoxie Sculpt

  • 3

    Building Form with Clay

    • Blocking with Sculpey

    • Refining Pt 1 - Basics and the Face

    • Refining Pt 2 - Anatomy

  • 4

    Detailing and Texturing

    • Detailing the Head, Neck and Tail

    • Texturing the Limbs and Body

  • 5

    Smoothing and Finishing

    • Smoothing with Isopropyl Alcohol

    • Baking Instructions

    • Sanding the Baked Sculpture

    • Finishing with Apoxie Sculpt

    • Using Spray Primer

  • 6


    • Painting Basics and the Base Coat

    • Painting Gradients

    • Painting Shadows & Highlights

    • Painting the Final Details

    • Color Theory Resources

  • 7

    Class Discussion

    • General Discussion

    • Materials Questions

    • Share Your Work

  • 8

    Thanks for Joining In!

    • Thanks for Joining In!

About the Instructor

Lead Instructor

Neal Deschain

Neal has been sculpting since 2001 and is the author of Fantasy Creatures in Clay. He formerly taught college level art and currently maintains his own online classes on various platforms, teaching for over 15 years now. Working in a variety of clays, Neal is is the creator of The Arbori, plant based creatures that originate in the forest. He maintains his own line of figures featuring these original fantasy creatures. In addition to sculpting, he makes his own silicone molds, pours his own resin casts and hand paints each piece himself in his home studio in Orlando, Florida. You can see more of Neal's work on his website VerdantSculpts.com.


  • Do I need to complete this course in a certain amount of time?

    No. This is a video based class that allows you to learn at your own pace. There are no lectures to attend and no assignments to hand in. Plus, once you pay, you have lifetime access to the content and all future updates.

  • Do I need to have any sculpting experience before taking this class?

    No. This class was created with the beginner in mind and will take you through the entire sculpting process from the ground up. However, it is recommended that you have some artistic experience (drawing, painting, etc.) as this is a very creative course that requires you to design your own concepts.

  • What are the required materials?

    Check out the "Materials List" in the "Introduction and Materials" section above to see a list of the materials used in this class.

  • Do I need any special equipment like a kiln?

    No. One of the best things about polymer clay is that you can bake it in your home oven. No kiln or special oven is required.

What You Will Learn

In this class, you will learn how to sculpt a freestanding quadrupedal creature. These are the main takeaways you can expect from this course.

  • Build a simple armature with wire and epoxy clay.

  • Work with polymer clay to build form.

  • Use tools to sculpt anatomy, detail, and texture.

  • Smoothing and sanding techniques.

  • Fully paint a sculpture with acrylics.

Pay Once for Lifetime Access

No monthly fees. No time limits. Just fun.